Ask Us Anything! Eric Garcetti and the future of online politics:
In 2008, and once again in 2012, Obama showed the world the power that the internet can have upon politics. This strategy seems to be trickling down across the country and is now being seen at the local levels of politics. Mayoral frontrunner (both in money raised and in the polls) Eric Garcetti recently took to Reddit to field a host of questions from Los Angeles' constituents.
Reddit is becoming a new way for politicians to reach out to their base and those who would normally ignore politics. Obama and Biden were two of the more notable recent candidates to utilize this medium. It should really come as no surprise that the progressive and youthful Garcetti would use Reddit. Having been called "the hipster candidate"
in this year's mayoral election.
In what is called an "AMA" or ask me anything post, Garcetti responded to a variety of questions ranging from transportation, to business, to marijuana.
Garcetti answered quite a few questions, in a quick manner that avoided slogans and promises and got down to his core ideas. It became quite easy to see what issues were truly important to him. This was especially apparent when he discussed his ideas for metro/rail reforms and improvements.
"We need to get the Wilshire extension moving and I am optimistic that
the differences with some folks in BH can be addressed and settled.
Most of the rail/busway lines that I would like to see have been at
least in some initial planning stage. But some have just begun. For
instance, I am very supportive of a transit tunnel through the Sepulveda
Pass, with a transit line and a toll road--to help pay for the
transit--finally relieving the most choked artery in this city. I'd
like to see that connect to a north-south line in the San Fernando
Valley that is badly-needed. I'm very supportive of the Crenshaw Line
as well, but would like one day to see it extend north up towards the
Beverly Center/Cedars-Sinai if possible."
He gives you a concise clear vision of what he would like to achieve. If there is one thing that was unfortunate about this AMA it was that in the short answers details can be vague, but when he was talking about issues that his close to home Garcetti gave some very strong answers.
I really love that Garcetti was unable to dodge issues here - obviously he can choose to ignore a question and leave it unanswered - but everyone can see when a question goes ignored. He got asked some hard hitting questions (such as the ludicrous salary city council members currently make) and for the most part he answered them. And the entire conversation is still sitting there, plain for the world to see, nearly a month after the AMA began.
Long after Garcetti stopped responding to questions and comments, people within the Los Angeles "subreddit"continue to debate and discuss Garcetti and the other candidates for mayor. Reddit is creating a forum that allows candidates and their oposition to examine what people like and dislike about a candidate. Perhaps this can become a tool that strategists can use in similar ways to focus groups. But at its best this goes beyond a user friendly polling or vote gaining tool; this dialogue between candidate and constituent allows for an open, honest discussion of policies and ideas free from moderators, bumbling reporters, and pre-approved debate questions. It is a perfect tool for local level politics.
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